What to Expect
We understand that you may feel anxious about counseling. Review the steps below and feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
Intake Application
To get started with Compassion Counseling Center, please download and complete the intake application.
If unable to download this form, please contact our office for a printed copy.
(507) 208-8822
Mail your completed intake form to:
Compassion Counseling Center
– Confidential –
5500 25th Ave NW
Rochester, MN 55901
After we receive your intake form in the mail, we will contact you to schedule an intake appointment.
Intake Appointment
The intake appointment helps us get to know you better and determine if our services are a good fit for you. If we cannot meet your needs, we will refer you to other resources.
Intake appointments are Monday evenings at 6:30pm or 7:30pm.
We are located on the campus of:
Calvary Evangelical Free Church
5500 25th Ave NW
Rochester, MN 55901
When you come for your intake appointment:
• Let the person at the reception desk know you have arrived.
• You may wait in the hospitality area near the reception desk where you will find drinks and snacks.
• One of our intake staff will meet you there and take you to an intake room for your meeting.
• You will also complete an assessment which takes less than 30 minutes.
Appointment Call
After you have completed the intake process, you will receive a phone call with the date and time of your first counseling session. You may be placed on a short waiting list, but we will let you know as soon as we have an opening that fits your needs.
Weekly Counseling
Check in with the person at the reception desk when you arrive and wait in the hospitality area. Your lay counselor will meet you there and escort you to your counseling room.
The first few sessions are for you and your lay counselor to get to know each other and to set goals for what you want to accomplish.
Ongoing Sessions
Always check in at the reception desk so we know you are here. Your lay counselor will meet you in the hospitality area.
You will meet with the same lay counselor at the same appointment time for your sessions. Your lay counselor will periodically review your progress with our licensed professional supervisors.

Your Final Session
You and your lay counselor will determine when you are ready to complete your sessions. During your last session you will complete the same assessment you took during your intake appointment. This helps us assess the effectiveness of Compassion Counseling Center.
“I didn’t want to go see a counselor but I’m glad I did. He helped me figure things out and how to handle them. I feel free from what was bothering me and I have been able to move forward with my life.”
“Come, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” – Jesus