- Have you spent a great deal of time during the past few weeks thinking and worrying about an issue? Are you unable to get it off your mind?
- Have you experienced sleeping difficulties?
- Have you experienced difficulty concentrating or an inability to focus on the task at hand?
- Have you experienced prolonged feelings of hopelessness and despair?
- Have you noticed a decrease in your patience and ability to manage frustration and an increase in the frequency and intensity of anger?
- Have you experienced prolonged grief from death of a loved one?
- Have you experienced divorce?
- Have you been abused or are being abused sexually, emotionally, or physically?
- Have you or your family dealt with traumatic or dysfunctional experiences?
- Have you experienced abandonment or attachment issues?
- Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, or poor self-esteem?
- Do you experience co-dependence or overly dependent relationships?