Compassion Counseling Center exists to help you

Since 2010 Compassion Counseling Center has been a place of life transformation and hope for adults and teens in SE Minnesota. Utilizing trained lay counselors serving alongside licensed mental health professionals, Compassion Counseling Center offers opportunities for guidance and positive change at no cost.

If you or your loved ones need support dealing with difficult times and issues, we may be able to help you discover your next best step.


Compassion Counseling Center appointments are available Monday evenings at 7pm and 8pm. We are currently accepting new applications for individuals 14 years old and older.

Compassion Counseling Center is hosted on the campus of:
Calvary Evangelical Free Church
5500 25th Ave NW
Rochester, MN 55901

To begin, please follow the steps below:

Intake Application

Download and fill out one of the following intake applications:
Individual Counseling Intake
Marriage Communications Skills

Intake Appointment

After receiving your intake form, we will contact you to set up an intake appointment where you will meet with a licensed professional to confirm that our services are right for you.

Weekly Counseling

After your intake appointment, we will determine your start date and connect you with a lay counselor to begin weekly counseling sessions at 7pm or 8pm on Monday evenings..

Compassion Counseling Center may be a resource that can help you take your next step towards hope and healing.

Why Seek Help

If you or your loved ones have reached the point where you are ready for positive change, we may be able to help you discover your next best step.
To get started, see What to Expect.

  • Have you spent a great deal of time during the past few weeks thinking and worrying about an issue?  Are you unable to get it off your mind?
  • Have you experienced sleeping difficulties?
  • Have you experienced difficulty concentrating or an inability to focus on the task at hand?
  • Have you experienced prolonged feelings of hopelessness and despair?
  • Have you noticed a decrease in your patience and ability to manage frustration and an increase in the frequency and intensity of anger?
  • Have you experienced prolonged grief from death of a loved one?
  • Have you experienced divorce?
  • Have you been abused or are being abused sexually, emotionally, or physically?
  • Have you or your family dealt with traumatic or dysfunctional experiences?
  • Have you experienced abandonment or attachment issues?
  • Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, or poor self-esteem?
  • Do you experience co-dependence or overly dependent relationships?


I didn’t want to go see a counselor but I’m glad I did. He helped me figure things out and how to handle them. I feel free from what was bothering me and I have been able to move forward with my life.

– Rochester

After suffering the loss of my mother and my marriage on the same day, I felt as if the bottom of my world had just fallen out. Little did I know that ‘the everlasting arms of God’ were right there beneath me all the time with the strength and grace I needed. Thanks to all the caring staff at Compassion Counseling Center for modeling the love of Christ to me during that difficult chapter in my life! “

– Fountain

Counseling helped me make healthy boundaries and create a positive self-image. I was able to heal from past hurts and look forward to a bright future.

– Rochester

Two Gold-colored Wedding Bands on Book Page

Marriage Communication Skills course is now available!

Unresolved conflict ruins many marriages. We want marriages to do more than just survive or end in divorce. We want them to thrive and build positive, loving bonds that last a lifetime. We encourage you to invest in your marriage and attend this course to learn how to resolve conflict constructively.
For details and how to enroll, see Marriage Communication Skills Course.

ONGOING financial support is vital TO COMPASSION Counseling Center

We depend on your donations to continue providing free counseling in the SE Minnesota area. Your donations pay for Compassion Counseling Center’s operating costs.

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