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We are open and taking applications for in-person counseling. We invite you to call (507) 208-8822 to schedule an appointment. See What to Expect for more information.


Marriage Communication Skills class is now available!

Unresolved conflict ruins many marriages. We want marriages to do more than just survive or end in divorce. We want them to thrive and build positive, loving bonds that last a lifetime. We encourage you to invest in your marriage and attend this class to learn how to resolve conflict constructively.

For details and how to enroll, see Marriage Communication Skills Class.

You Matter

Troubles can arise for us in different areas and times in life. Some times our issues are so personal that we do not want others to know about them. When the pain we are in becomes worse than the pain of changing our situation, that is the time to seek help, guidance, and counseling.

Dealing with difficult times and issues can be overwhelming, especially if you feel like you are dealing with them alone. When the pain we are in becomes worse than the pain of changing our situation, that is the time to seek help, guidance, and counseling.

If you or your loved ones have reached the point where you are ready for positive change, we may be able to help you discover your next best step.

Who is Eligible

Any one 14 years and older  is welcome to come for counseling.  Appointments are available Monday evenings at 7 and 8 pm.  A screening process is required to determine if our services are a good fit for you.  All services are free, however, there is a $10 fee for testing. To get started, see What to Expect.

What to Expect

Does coming to a counseling center feel overwhelming? You are not alone. See What to Expect to learn more about how to get started and what to expect when you come. Counseling session

Why Seek Help

Compassion Counseling Center may be a resource that can help you take your next step towards healing and hope. To get started, see What to Expect.




"Come, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."